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Change the world
Action Research Unit
Aims of Action Research
Why action research?
Process of action research
Masilingane Project I
Masilingane Project II
Action Research for School Leaders
Action Research & Qualitative Research for Community Engagement both within & beyond the University
Why action research?
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Why action research?
Helps you to live out your values and to be clear about what you do and why when setting strategic goals
Empowers managers to bring about improvement in own practice and subsequently whole school
Encourages collaboration and participatory management
If action research becomes a norm with management and subsequently all teachers and learners in the school, then the school can transform itself into a centre of excellence
Everyone will be accountable for delivering the best work they can
Teacher portfolios of action research will be a good indication of growth and development and can even be used as part of a performance appraisal
Action research increases enthusiasm among teachers – when you are involved in your work and in control, it becomes much more exciting and enjoyable
Action research promotes openness and transparency as people come to see that “mistakes” are valuable learning tools
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