At the recently hosted SAHARA Conference (Nelson Mandela University), 49 learners and 7 teachers involved in the MASILINGANE Project presented three workshops at the Youth Day on 30 November 2011. This project is a continuation of Prof Wood’s MACAIDS prevention programme.

This year (2011), with funding by HIVOS, she worked with 6 schools in assisting teachers to train peer educators to raise awareness about gender inequalities and the link to HIV in their schools. Learners made drawings to use as awareness raising tools and presented prevention sessions in their schools, using drama mainly as a means of engaging other learners. Two of the schools used photovoice methodology and the posters created from this can be used as prevention tools in their work in the future. At the end of the year, learners from Douglas Mpoba High School in Motherwell presented two interactive workshops in which they creatively described their experience and views of gender based violence by means of drama, poetry and song. They involved the audience by engaging them in thinking of ways to turn the tide on gender violence.

Learners from two primary schools, Empumalanga in Motherwell and Pendla in New Brighton, also shared their experiences of gender inequalities at a third workshop and gathered ideas on how to promote gender equality by asking the audience to represent ways to decrease gender inequality through drawings. Some of the children also participated in other workshops and activities at the youth day. The learners will present similar workshops at their schools in the new year, as part of their activities as peer educators for HIV prevention through a gender lens.



Contact information
Prof Lesley Wood
Nelson Mandela University Research Associate
Tel: +27 18 299 4770 (mobile: +27 082 296 9202)